The “Product Data Elements” section allows users to further define each manufactured product. The “Product Validation” section displays the result of the last validation for all of the data in the “Product Data Elements” section. The validation procedure can be executed at any time by clicking the “Re-run Validation” link. If validation errors are found, a failed message will be displayed in red and the manufactured product(s) in the grid will be flagged with a red X. Note that all validation errors need to be corrected before and SPL file can be generated. To see the specific error click on a row in the Individual manufactured product grid. A green check mark indicates that the validation passed for that manufactured product.
Clicking on a row in the Individual Manufactured Product table will open a window where users can populate information about each of the manufactured product as well as see more information about the validation errors.
Manufactured Products can be reordered by dragging and dropping directly on the list page.
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