“The id with the root…along with the Establishment postal code (if any) along with the Establishment postal code (if any) and country must match the DUNS number, postal code and country in the Dun and Bradstreet database”
The DUNS number postal code and/or country does not match the DUNS directory. Check your Establishment Registration to ensure that all information matches what you sent to D&B.
“Act definition code must match code for an Establishment with same id previously submitted in documents of type”
Due to new validation, this error can occur for one of many reasons but always because the information in the Establishment Registration for the associated company does not match what the FDA sees in the D&B Database. The first thing to check is that the company has electronically registered their Establishment for the current year. All information (name, address, DUNS number, business operations) must match what the FDA sees in the D&B database so if there are any discrepancies, the error could occur.
To correct this error, the company will need to distinguish what information is incorrect and will then need to correct either the Establishment Registration or their information in the D&B database. Either way both forms will need to match one another.
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