If you select the Current/Checked-in radio button, the content of the baseline version is displayed in READ ONLY mode in the bottom panes on the screen and it cannot be changed. If you want to make a change you will first need to check out the version by pressing the “Checkout & Create a Draft” button. The status field will indicate the last Checked-in date and time and user, the Ver.No field will display the full version number (Major. Minor. Draft), the Version field will show the word “Current” and the ID will show the internal ID for this version.
- Checkout & Create a Draft – Checks out the current version and makes a draft copy that can be edited and later checked-in.
- Create SPM -- Allow the user to preview or create SPM.
o Allows users to preview the document in Health Canada style sheet.
o Allows users to create files for Health Canada submissions.
o Allows users to create files for review only. Note that these files cannot be submitted.
- Create a Rendition –
o Allows users to create renditions in RTF formats.
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